KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal: Job Vacancies, How to Login and Register, Eligibility Criteria, and Job Requirements.
Are you looking for a job in KwaZulu-Natal? The KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal is now open, offering various job vacancies for interested individuals. Whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced professional, this recruitment portal provides a platform for you to explore career opportunities in KZN.
Attention all eligible employees: Please be advised that the contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to your notice upon establishment of all institutions. It is important that all employees who meet the requirements of the posts are made aware of this circular minute, even if they are absent from their normal places of work.
Read also: APPLY: School Bus Drivers Job at Transdev Canada Yellowknife NT.
KZN Recruitment Eligibility Criteria
Before applying for any job through the KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal, you must check if you meet the eligibility criteria. The specific requirements may vary depending on the job position, but some general criteria include:
- Minimum educational qualifications
- Relevant work experience
- Valid driver’s license (if applicable)
- Good communication skills
- Ability to work in a team
Make sure to thoroughly read the job description and requirements before applying to ensure that you meet the necessary criteria.
Read also: Truck Driver Hourly Wages in Canada 2024/2025.
How to Login and Register on KZN Recruitment Portal

To apply for a job through the KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal, you first need to create an account and log in by following these simple steps:
- Visit the KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal website OR
- Click on the ‘Register’ button.
- Fill in the required information, such as your name, email address, and contact details.
- Create a strong password for your account.
- Agree to the terms and conditions of the portal.
- Click on the ‘Register’ button to complete the registration process.
Once you have successfully registered on the KZN Recruitment Portal, you can log in using your email address and password. This will give you access to the portal job vacancies and application forms.
KwaZulu-Natal Recruitment Job Requirements
Each job vacancy listed on the KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal will have specific job requirements. These requirements are designed to identify the most suitable candidates for the position. Some general job requirements include:
- Specific educational qualifications
- Relevant work experience
- Proficiency in specific software or tools
- Strong analytical skills
- Excellent problem-solving abilities
Apply for Ongoing KwaZulu-Natal Jobs | KZN Recruitment.

KwaZulu-Natal Recruitment in Head Office
Circular Number | Vacancy | Closing Date |
G45/2024 | Deputy Director: Women’s health program (level 11) | 21/09/2024 |
G46/2024 | Director: fraud management and investigation (level 13) Director: organisational risk assurance and management (level 13) | 15/09/2024 |
MO05/2024 | Head clinical department: child health and paediatrics (medical) (grade 1) | 15/09/2024 |
KwaZulu-Natal Recruitment in District Office
Circular Number | Vacancy | District Office | Closing Date |
ZUL05/2024 | District facility information officer (level 7) | Zululand District Office | 29/09/2024 |
ZUL02/2024 | District facility information officer (level 7) | Zululand District Office | 29/09/2024 |
ILE14/2024 | Clinical programme co-ordinator (quality assurance) | Ilembe District Office | 29/09/2024 |
UMG01/05/23 | Forensic pathology officer (grade 1) | Umgungundlovu District Office | 22/-9/2-24 |
UMG01/12/23 | Contract / Logistics Asset Management officer (level 7) | Umgungundlovu District Office | 22/09/2024 |
ZUL/DD/2024 | Deputy Director: finance (level 11) | Zululand District Office | 22/09/2024 |
AMAJ20/2024 | Advanced district nursing professional – advanced paediatrics | Amajuba District Office | 22/09/2024 |
KDC03/2024 | Clinical nurse practitioner: KwaDukuza Clinic | Ilembe District Office | 22/09/2024 |
RLNN02/2024 | Human resource clerk – supervisor | Umzinyathi District Office | 22/09/2024 |
UMZIN20/2024 | Clinical programme coordinator (MCWH) | Umzinyathi District Office | 22/09/2024 |
UMZIN21/2024 | Facility information officer | Umzinyathi District Office | 22/09/2024 |
ETEK/NHI09.2024 | NHI medical officer | eThekwini District Office | 15/09/2024 |
EMS/UGU01/2024 Amended | EMS Shift leader (grade 1) | Ugu District Office | 15/09/2024 |
UMKH20/2024 | NHI doctors required for PHC clinics (6 month contract) | Umkhanyakude District Office | 15/09/2024 |
ZUL/OCC2/2024 | Clinical programme coordinator: occupational health | Zululand District Office | 08/09/2024 |
EMS/UGU/03/2024 | Emergency care officer (grade 3) | Ugu District Office | 01/09/2024 |
EMS/UGU02/2024 Withdrawn | Emergency care officer: (grade 1) | Ugu District Office | 01/09/2024 |
UGU/DO07/2024 | Deputy director: district health service delivery and planning | Ugu District Office | 01/09/2024 |
EMS/AMAJ01/2024 | EMS sub district manager EMS Shift leader (grade 3-6) | Amajuba District Office | 31/08/2024 |
AMAJ17/2024 | Facility information officer (level 7) | Amajuba District Office | 31/08/2024 |
AMAJ18/2024 | Facility Information Officer (level 7) | Amajuba District Office | 31/08/2024 |
AMAJ15/2024 | Deputy director: planning, monitoring and evaluation | Amajuba District Office | 31/08/2024 |
UMZIN12/2024 | Clinical program coordinator – trainer | Umzinyathi District Office | 31/08/2024 |
KwaZulu-Natal Recruitment in Hospitals
Circular Number | Vacancy | Hospital | Closing Date |
New PMMH/OMN01/2023 | Operational manager nursing (general stream) | Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital | 01/10/2023 |
PMMC04/2023 | Librarian | Prince Mshiyeni Nursing Campus | 02/10/2023 |
KDHC14/2023 Amended | Clinical manager (O&G) | King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex | 29/09/2023 |
FNH16/2023 | Social worker | Fort Napier Hospital | 29/09/2023 |
FNH15/2023 | Occupational therapist | Fort Napier Hospital | 29/09/2023 |
MONT12/2023 | Pharmacist (grade 1,2) | Montebello Hospital | 29/09/2023 |
NDH18/2023 | Assistant director: finance NHI sessional medical officer | Northdale Hospital | 29/09/2023 |
MONT11/2023 | Assistant manager nursing (M&E) | Montebello Hospital | 29/09/2023 |
DPKISMH25/2023 | Deputy Director: finance (level11) | Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial | 22/09/2023 |
HR22/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner (grade 1,2) Thembumusa Clinic | Vryheid Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
EST59/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner Wembezi Clinic | Estcourt Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
EMS37/2023 | Professional nurse speciality (maternity) | Emmaus Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
NGWE10/2023 | Head clinical unit (medical) (grade 1) Ophthalmology Head clinical unit (medical) (grade 1) Urology Operational manager: Isiboniso Clinic Operational manager nursing: general stream Professional nurse (speciality nursing) (grade 1,2) Professional nurse (speciality nursing) (grade 1,2) :Orthopaedic ward Professional nurse (speciality nursing) (grade 1,2): Psychiatry Professional nurse (speciality nursing) (grade 1,2): Oncology Clinical nurse practitioner: Thokozani Clinic | Ngwelezana Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
CTK31/2023 | Professional nurse speciality (paediatric ward) | Christ the King Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
CTK33/2023 | Professional nurse – speciality : maternity | Christ the King Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
CTK32/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner : Ixopo Clinic | Christ the King Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
CTK24/2023 | Operational manager general stream (grade 1,2) | Christ the King Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
GS71/2032 Withdrawn | Clinical programme co-ordinator (grade 1) transplant co-ordinator | Greys Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
GS70/2023 | Medical officer (grade 1,2,3) general surgery | Greys Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
GS69/2023 | Employee assistant program practitioner (EAP) (level 8) | Greys Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
KE58/2023 | Professional nurse speciality grade 1 (paediatrics) Medical officer: internal medicine (grade 1) Medical officer: trauma: grade 1 WITHDRAWN Sessional medical speciality grade 1: paediatrics WITHDRAWN Head clinical unit (grade 1) urology Medical specialist grade 1 : radiology | King Edward VIII Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
PSH24/2023 | Assistant director auxiliary | Port Shepstone Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
KE50/2023 | Medical specialist: internal medicine (grade 1) | King Edward VIII Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
QNRH22/2023 | Head clinical unit (medical) (grade 1) Medical specialist (grade 1,2,3) Medical officer (grade 1,2,3) | Queen Nandi Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
GJC46/2023 | Operational manager nursing speciality (operating theatre and CSSD) | GJ Crookes Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
GJGM08/2023 | Ultrasound radiographer/sonographer Diagnostic radiographer | GJG Mpanza Regional Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
DPKISMH24/2023 | Professional nurse – speciality (grade 1 or 2) Operating theatre | Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
MAD48/2023 | Medical officer (grade 1-3) (psychiatry) | Madadeni Hospital | 22/09/2023 |
MGMH13/2023 | Professional nurse (speciality stream neonatal ICU) | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 20/09/2023 |
UMP11/2023 | Clinical Manager – medical | Umphumulo Hospital | 20/09/2023 |
HGRH20/2023 | Assistant director: human resource development and planning | Harry Gwala Regional Hospital | 20/09/2023 |
NMH017/2023 Withdrawn | Professional nurse (paeds) | Niemeyer Memorial Hospital | 18/09/2023 |
EKO/CM01/2023 | Clinical manager (obstetrics) Dentist Operational manager nursing (speciality) operating theatre Occupational health nurse Professional nurse speciality – advanced midwifery Safety officer Employee wellness practitioner Facility information officer | Ekombe Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MGMH26/2023 | Clinical programme co-ordinator: quality assurance | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MGMH31/2023 | Senior finance management officer (level 8) | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST62/2023 Amended. Closing date extended | Pharmacy supervisor (grade 1) | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
ADD/OM/ICU1/2023 Re-advertised | Operational manager nursing (speciality) ICU | Addington Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
DGH01/2023 Re-advertised | Operational manager nursing grade 1 (general) | Doris Goodwin Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
HR21/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner (grade 1 and 3 4 posts: Ntombiyephahla Clinic | Vryheid Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
SMMH13/2023 Withdrawn | Operational manager nursing speciality (trauma and emergency nursing) | St Mary’s Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
SMMH11/2023 Withdrawn | Professional nurse speciality advanced midwifery (grade 1 or 2) | St Mary’s Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
SMMH10/2023 Withdrawn | Professional nurse (speciality – theatre) | St Mary’s Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST58/2023 | Professional nurse: speciality – advance midwifery: Wembezi Clinic | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST56/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner: Ncibidwane Clinic | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST57/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner: Injisuthi Clinic | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
KH19/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner (grade 1-2) Mobile Clinic | KwaMagwaza Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MGMH36/2023 | Professional nurse: speciality stream – neonatal / ICU / paediatrics | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MGMH35/2023 | Operational manager – general nursing stream (night duty) | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MGMH34/2023 | Assistant manager nursing: outpatient / triaging / HAST / trauma and operating theatre | Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST54/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner: Madiba Clinic Clinical nurse practitioner: Ntabamhlophe Clinic Clinical nurse practitioner: Mobile Clinic Clinical nurse practitioner: Ncibidwane Clinic Clinical nurse practitioner: Injisuthi Clinic Professional nurse: speciality – advance midwifery: Wembezi Clinic | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
PSH64/2023 | Medical officer: internal medicine (Grade 1,2,3) Medical officer: anaesthesia (grade 1,2,,3) | Port Shepstone Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
PN/SPEC/KDC36/2023 | Professional nurse speciality (maternity) King Dinuzulu HospitalArtisan foreman grades (A and B) plumber Facility information officer Supply chain clerk supervisor Supply chain clerk – assets | Eshowe Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
KE57/2023 | Medical specialist: orthopaedics (grade 1) | King Edward VIII Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
PMMH/ENG01/2023 | Engineer: infrastructure (grade A) Food services manager (level 8) Administrative clerk supervisor (level 7) Supply chain management practitioner (level 7): logistics and warehouse management (level 7) Supply chain management practitioner (level 7) Demand Management | Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
LH21/2023 | Optometrist | Ladysmith Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
PSH62/2023 | Assistant director physiotherapy Clinical psychologist (grade 1,2,3) Cleaning and grounds manager | Port Shepstone Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
RKK/OMN07/2023 | Operational manager nursing (general) out-patient department | RK Khan Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
RKK/OMN06/2023 | Operational manager nursing (general) Surgical ward | RK Khan Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
RKK/PN04/2023 | Professional nurse (speciality) paediatrics | RK Khan Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
RKK/PN05/2023 | Professional nurse (speciality) Operating theatre | RK Khan Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
FNH13/2023Amended. Closing date extended | Medical specialist | Fort Napier Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
FNH14/2023Amended. Closing date extended | Head clinical unit psychiatric services | Fort Napier Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
HR20/2023 | Assistant nurse manager (general stream Operational manager (speciality) Post-natal ward and nursery AMENDED Operational manager (speciality) theatre AMENDED Operational manager (speciality) Labour ward AMENDED Professional nurse (grade 1 and 2) (Speciality) High care Professional nurse (grade 1 and 2) (speciality) Theatre | Vryheid Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EMS36/2023 | Administration clerk supervisor (general systems) | Emmaus Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
GS67/2023 | Medical specialist (grade 1,2,3) various disciplines | Greys Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
GS68/2023 | Medical physicist (grade 1,2,3) | Greys Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST52/2023 | Environmental health practitioner: waste management officer | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MAD37/2023 | Professional nurse (speciality) critical care (ICU) | Madadeni Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MAD42/2023 | Deputy manager nursing | Madadeni Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MAD46/2023 | Engineer infrastructure | Madadeni Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
MAD47/2023 | Operational nursing manager (PHC) (Rosary Clinic) | Madadeni Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
QNRH20/2023 | Assistant director: systems (level 9) | Queen Nandi Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
SAHP18/2023 Closing date extended | Deputy Manager: Pharmaceutical services (level 11) | St Andrews Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
UMP10/2023 | Clinical nurse practitioner – HTA Professional nurse (speciality) Maqumbi Clinic Professional nurse (speciality) eye clinic | Umphumulo Hospital | 15/09/2023 |
EST50/2023 | Human resource practitioner: HRD | Estcourt Hospital | 15/09/023 |
NE12/2023 Re-advert | Professional nurse speciality – paeds (child nursing science) | Newcastle Hospital | 14/09/2023 |
NE23/2023 | Professional nurse speciality (PMTCT) | Newcastle Hospital | 14/09/2023 |
NE24/2023 | Professional nurse speciality – NICU (critical care nursing science / post basic midwifery) | Newcastle Hospital | 14/09/2023 |
It is essential to carefully review the job requirements before applying to ensure you possess the necessary skills and qualifications.
By following these steps and considering the eligibility criteria and job requirements, you can increase your chances of securing a job through the KZN Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal. Take the first step towards your career in KZN today!